Sunday, June 13, 2021

Friends with children: Should pedophiles be friends with a child

Many parents hate the advent of the virtuous pedophile, fearing our existence, due to the fear of a child bringing home a pedophile friend. Should a pedophile be friends with a child? Depends on the intent behind the friendship, with this being a tricky subject. The idea is to avoid peerification, namely spousification, where the child is treated as a spouse. A gentle parenting friendship is pro-social peerification, and a pedophile is capable of keeping pro-social in relation to children in this regard.

In order to understand the morality of this, one must understand the children's rights code, which is entitlement leading to theft, meaning avoidance of abuse, which is the center of all gentle parenting. It says in the Tenth Commandment, in Exodus 20:17 KJV:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

The Hebrew word translated "cover" is למחוד (Latin: lachmod) and refers not merely to wanting things from children, but wanting things to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, leading to theft/abuse. Parental entitlement, alongside other entitlement, is denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektes) and refers to the general entitled attitude of an entitled parent or adult, namely here the attitude of "I want you to like me" when spoken to a child. Whenever an adult who is friends with a child feels the need to assert or prove that point, it becomes entitlement. "Prove" refers to permissiveness, meaning here sexual/behavioral neglect.

The Greek root word further delineating a line between appropriate and inappropriate in adult-child friendships is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to conduct or a course of conduct towards or in the vicinity of a child that said child perceives as sexually motivated, on a flight-or-flight level. This is sensory gaslighting, meaning the child's perceptions drive everything, unless the adult has a good excuse for behaving a certain way. That would be a very narrow set of behaviors, meaning they had no sexual intent at all yet involved bodily contact of type, such as certain pediatric examinations.

Fornication against children can be understood in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the offenses or damages perceived by a child as a form of theft, meaning abuse. This can mean the slightest of personal slights perceived by the child guided, in this context, by sexually entitled intent. Child sexual abuse, in intensity, ranges from the slightest of antisocial "leer" to rape and/or lust murder of the child, with all offenses perceived by the child and the child alone, with celebratory perception being abuse on the part of a child for leading the child astray to vagrancy. The best way to apply God's commandment against sexually molesting a child is though the Title IV definitions of sexual harassment in workplaces and on college campuses, meaning whatever the victim perceives as harassment, but guided by a spectrum of behaviors that are motivated by sexual entitlement. I believe in dealing with the rapist of a child the same way we deal with adult rapists, meaning they are on their own, with no support from anyone. We all shun them as a community, until they plead "comeback" the right way - by asking for psychological help. By then, the issue will stand out enough that we know who the offenders are, and even self-admitted pedophiles will tell them off. "They can't help it" gives them an excuse/ Why were you even there? That's why some pedophiles actually can be friends with children, while others can't be due to what their motives would be.

I do believe in adult-child friendships, but it should start with your own children, and then work outwards to members of the family or maybe a family you are friends with. A proper friendship replaces an entitled attraction with a socially appropriate role in a child's life, with the sexual entitlement being centered with the belief that the child owes you nothing in return, whereas you owe the child everything they need from you. That includes protection from abuse in one's motives. Simply going out of your way to chat up children signals an abuser, as most non-offending pedophiles don't hang around playgrounds and public pools. Children have a sixth sense that picks up pedophilia. Children are highly sensitive in that way. Most children are actually okay with pedophiles, but when adults allow, can set very clear limits in a way that relates to the pedophile more than any adult can. That is because the pedophile naturally sees children as an equals. A non-offending pedophile is the type of adult that might be a natural at positive parenting methods with children, albeit in a self-taught way. Those who are abusive have an entitlement that is either towering in an authoritarian way due to narcissistic covering, or entitled to popularity with children through highly overprotective indulgence. If they simply are a natural at gentle parenting, note but don't confront. However, keep an eye on all adults around you, meaning your every neighbor, as all adults, not just pedophiles, are capable of abuse, and all are culpable for what they have done to harm or abuse children.

I assume children, as a constituency, have shunned me. I am earning my way back to friendship with the child population, where I was once shunned deservingly. It is called pro-social segregation, pro-social speech, meaning I am not to even speak to a child unless they speak to me, and if I violate this conviction, I burn in Hell (1 Thess. 5:22). I am not to speak to children unless spoken to, and that creates a certain reverence to their presence. When becoming friends, they'd have to "break the ice" meaning the child invites the adult for casual conversation. However, very low level, trusting conversation of this sort is generally reserved for parents and close extended family. Generally, I'd only associate with a child when they upheared me to come over to them and hang out. Until then, I am to remain silent and quiet, with the child as the one true authority over their rights, freedoms, and needs.

If you want anything from the child besides company, don't be their friend. If you would blow up at the child when they wanted to end the friendship, don't be their friend. If you believe them to be a romantic partner in reality, meaning you literally put them in that role instead of simply imagining what could be (but never will be) is spousification, and spousification is what predatory pedophilia is in most cases. These are the sympathetic offenders who cannot relate to children under appropriate terms, and need a social skills system so that the don't end up acting in a way that the child finds offensive. Anything that a child finds offensive, indeed, is abuse, regardless of what the law says. The law is only a reflection of society's  biases. The only true authority on child abuse is God Himself.

Every single adult is guilty for the moral crime of existence in relation to a child, with them having power and control over children in a way that they will never again understand children or what it means to be a child. Pedophiles are among the first groups in the United States to admit their entitlement in relation to children as a group, meaning most pedophiles (3 out of 4). Most pedophiles support youth rights initiatives. Most admit their adult privilege these days, whereas some still cling to feigned youth rights ideas in terms of regressive age of consent reform. If you think it is okay, in any context, to have sex with a child, out of "expertise on children", don't befriend them. I know nothing about a child besides what they tell me with their words, or convey with their actions. You need to get to know the child, and not lump them in with a herd.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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