Saturday, May 8, 2021

What does sexual purity mean in parenting?

What is purity parenting? Parenting that reinforces attitudes of sexual purity, especially in pre-teen and teen years. I myself consider myself a purity parent towards children, of the gentle parenting variety, meaning sexual purity can be a part of gentle parenting, but if you are shaming the child, you are evil. A true purity parent shames themselves, and is ashamed of their mere existence in relation to children.

It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV:
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against their own body.

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to the teaching of sexual purity, meaning lifting up ALL of the sex crime laws in the Old Testament, including those dealt with in civil court in the Old Testament, such as rape and sexual relations outside of marriage. This word sets a general standard that any sexual intent perceived by someone else outside of marriage is fornication, and in a willing act between two individuals, the man is the one who is defiled. The rapist is always defiled, regardless of gender.

The idea is exemplary teaching, meaning such values usually exist in a mesh, meaning a broad mesh in a home, and if children aren't punished, they rarely rebel against the values of their parents, sticking to parents and their values like glue. It would be in the air, in my home, that sex outside of children was unacceptable. Certain small expressions, such as remarks about TV shows and such, will give a child an example to emulate. Will they choose the media and TV, or parents? Depends, who is punishing them? Children avoid and rebel against any teaching imparted to them with punishment backing it up, or backed by any form of control or coercion...My parents both hold my view, but count themselves as progressive for "not pushing that view on others". Most progressive parents I know are like that, and don't push it on their children as well. I would simply make my values known, in talk format, meaning a good honest talk about the risks of sex. Most parents that do so also micromanage and punish, and when you add that, the child then goes in the opposite direction. It is called the counterwill, meaning any time you control a child, they are inclined in the opposite direction, to prove they have control over themselves.

The actual teaching against fornication, however, does not prohibit sexual fantast or self-stimulatory behavior in this regard. Thus, descending into a child's bedroom and distracting them is, in fact, a form of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse isn't merely using a child sexually, but imposing sexual entitlement on them. It would be the same if I, say, punished my son for bringing over a girl to sleep with. I'd just wait somewhere outside the door, and then voice my disapproval calmly later. If he insisted on it, I'd let it go, and hope he'd come back to my values. He would be a child, but a child has the right to mess up if they want to, and I can't always be there to save them from themselves, and I'd tell him that too...a lot, if he was rebellious like I was. I'm not sure what kind of child I'll get, but given the family history of bipolar disorder, yes, that. Given the family history of pedophilia, I might have such a child, in which case he would have fantasy rights in my house, since he might have no other outlet for his sexual desires...I use male examples because with adults, culpability falls on the male, by default. The biblical understanding is a man leading a woman astray. In the Old Testament, he had to marry the woman he led astray to "man up" and take responsibility. There is indeed a similar passage about rape, and it was seen then as him "manning up" for the woman he imposed sexual damages on, and deciding to care for her, which she would have been culturally inclined to accept, as she otherwise would have been destitute, thus all of society would have scorned the arrangement itself as a scarlet letter. In the New Testament, churches simply excommunicated rapists, leading them to the Romans to be killed, without protection or support from a church family.

Children are exempt, meaning not culpable for any sin, and that includes sexual sin. Sin does exist in children, meaning they are imperfect. However, sin guilt does not. God wants us to find the imperfect, rebellious traits of children as fond, lovable traits BECAUSE they exist, not despite. I actually can be fond of a child telling off a parent because that behavior exists, and instead worry about the parents taking advantage of such cuteness in a predatory way.

I myself am a purity parent to children by protecting them from my sexual entitlement as a pedophilic adult, turning my fatherly protective instincts inward. Any want towards a child to the point of seeking to impose said want onto her is adult sexual entitlement, and can lead to theft/abuse if not careful. "Abuse" is the slightest of personal slight against an adult from a child, and is the moral crime of fornication, or imposition of sexual damages by way of the child's perception of said damages. In the Old Testament Law, there are many categories of damages meaning abuse, but it is summed up in the New Testament is the slightest of personal slight. Theft is ordinary personal slights, whereas personal slights to the sexual purity and chastity of the child from an adult is child sexual abuse, meaning, at the very least, the slightest of unlawful "glance" perceived by the child, thereby making her feel unsafe or uncomfortable. The slightest of untoward look alone is child sexual abuse, ranging up to rape/lust murder, on a continuum of abusive conduct or courses of conduct...The police can charge an individual with harassment or disorderly conduct, depending on what a judge would approve, as a minimal legal protection against acts of sexual harassment in the for of antisocial "pestering"(18 Pa.C.S. §2709; 5503), with charges from there ranging more in severity, depending on whether there

The depraved and sexually impure parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them languish in the lake of fire and brimstone, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his angels! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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