Thursday, May 20, 2021

Pedophilic children - the best yet worst of child victims

 Child abuse is a societal function, and not an evil committed by only a few individuals. It is a good ol' boys setup, and as an adult, I give asylum to children. One group of children to focus on is pedophilic children. They are the most hidden of pedophiles, and they are what the condition really is - vulnerable and easy for a peacekeeper to exploit. There is a reason why pro-spanking cops say "they are really easy to catch". That's code for permission for child abuse.

Pedophilic children make up an unknown percentage of American society, but are starting in their development of their condition. It is a hormone imbalance starting around the start of puberty that arrests sexual development, with such often linked to a primary developmental disorder such as autism spectrum disorders or autistic traits. Think Nokia headset next to good and gentle with children. As teenagers, they are the nerds, the "losers" that are left out, and don't mind being left out - they gravitate towards children, namely younger family members. 

It is an L shaped dynamic, where the teenager with the condition will not allow the child they target to punished, saying "she can do no wrong, she's just a kid". This is a red flag. 

Actual treatment should treat the condition alongside other mental health conditions. Proper treatment, in the case of pedophilia, is listening and validating, like a sounding board - reflective listening. They may have a crush on the girl next door, but know they'll get in trouble with the neighbors, and possibly the police, if they choose to try and befriend her. He may talk the therapist to death about that topic, and then the therapist should then ask "What are you going to do to get through this fixation about her, as it obviously can go nowhere. I can tell you really like her". If they take a defeatist attitude, and voices plans to "go see her", the therapist should have the right to warn the third party involved, and only when it gets to that tipping point. Remember, we are talking a CHILD who is getting treatment, who doesn't want to hurt younger children. This should not be, but it is, and it is reality as a part of the flawed human genome.

Oftentimes, these teens are abused in various ways to persecute and discriminate against their mental heath conditions. Therapy abuse includes therapists dropping them without a referral, or reporting them to CPS merely because they are a pedophile with access to children - incest cases, in fact, can be remedied in family therapy, and many times, that is the least disruptive option by the child's own opinion. However, the state generally does not recognize that, and depending on what community you live in, you could get reported to the authorities by your therapist just for being a pedophile. Not all therapists take their time to listen to all sides, and some jump the gun, afraid that if they don't do something, they will get in trouble later. Laws like these keep the pedophile population in this country from speaking up.

In the case of a child, it would actually be more difficult if the child had a younger sibling of the same gender and age range of attraction, especially if they voice such attraction. The information would spread, and harm the child, thus it being legal abuse of the child. Thankfully, records can be sealed for minors, but why open an investigation based on those few facts. Chances are, the child said "I am afraid of harming. X child" and instead of talking with the child about strategies to deal with that desire, they kick the client to the curb, refuse help, and then call the police, all because the therapist is trained by male entities not to trust her own instincts with a pedophile, which would involve selective attachment to the pedophile as a therapeutic tool, at least at first. Generally, when another topic other than pedophilia is discussed, the therapist forgets that the pedophilic condition is even there. That is a good therapist. A bad therapist immediately tars the child. Sending the child away with a referral? That's what you actually do. If you send them nowhere, or nowhere except the local precinct, as a suspect instead of a victim of abuse, that is therapy abuse in and of itself. 

"I am afraid of hurting..." doesn't mean that they want to hurt the target, but that they DON'T want to hurt the target, and are pleading for strategies as to why. The idea is for a therapist to hear them out, and then use Socratic reasoning and ask questions back, working out ways, usually locational in nature, to avoid an offense. This may be knowing when the child target undresses, or bathes, and avoid those places. It would be enforced by a parent, without punishment or reprisal, as the parent must also be appointed to be confidant, meaning the parent must be there to listen when the therapist isn't, so the pedophile has some support system...If therapists knew this, they wouldn't make the reports they feel compelled to.

Also, a pedophilic attraction in a child can render a child easy prey to child abusers. A child grooming abuser would tar such a child "the pedophile", and since the child was the pedophile, they'd be afraid to come forward to an adult. If they, in fact, do fit the diagnostic criteria, still love them for who they are apart from such a diagnosis. They should only be a pedophile to you when they are venting about life issues related to being a pedophile...Pedophiles are pedophiles to themselves 100% of the time, but to others you should use due caution, as many survivors don't want to be reminded of past events.

There seems to be a certain co-occurrence among people who truly care about the plight of non-offending pedophiles - anti-spanking adults. Someone who is anti-spanking is so for a reason, which usually involves moral hatred of any unnecessary punishment. A lot of these people are trauma-informed. When you tell them that you want to defend clinical pedophiles, they know what you mean, and hint that they agree with you, but hide due to the purity police and their PC crap of don't say a word of it anywhere, and brush it under the rug. Half these men who defend killing pedophiles probably abused someone in the past, or abuse others now, and are projecting onto an easy target. Child abusers especially project onto pedophiles, who often happen to be (hopelessly) vocal victims of theirs, many times...I myself support sexual purity, but push it on the perpetrators themselves, not their pedophile victims. The perpetrators themselves are the core haters.

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