Monday, April 26, 2021

What just happened

 This blog contains a recount of events from 2017, meaning anti-children's rights operatives enlisted me to create as much chaos as possible, by "sending as many survivors to Hell" as possible. Much of these instances are moral crimes of a remorseful manner, thus irrelevant to the court, and should not be brought up. The only reason was to defame this movement as supporting the existence of pedophilia. 

Pedophilia should not exist, but since it does, we need to treat it. Pedophiles will always exist, and we need to accept that as reality, because all efforts to cure them of their thoughts are in vain. Actions? Those can easily be cured, and are so in most pedophiles. Child sexual abuse, itself, can come not to exist, but we pedophiles will be the ones ending it. Pedophiles are solely and individually responsible for their own actions, and on their own if they abuse. Enough of these pedophile safety nets. They actually don't need them unless they are scum anyway. Most pedophiles would benefit from a trauma-informed therapist or counselor.

I think we will always have parents lashing out at their children, to some percentage of the population. But, sexually abusing a child is a willful act, that only takes place under specific conditions, so why should it happen at all? Just teach the pedophile or at-risk adult to eliminate those conditions, usually in a home environment.

My stance is a valid children's rights stance. Children's rights can be anti-pedophile or pro-pedophile, but is always anti-pedophilia. Pro-pedophile simply means supporting clinical identity that supports the right of the child not to be abused. Heresy is supporting legalizing sex with children as an acceptable sexual expression. We will never believe that, and I might quash such speculation. What will likely be legalized under children's rights rule is seeing who we see now as minor children as adults who can consent to same-age marriages, as it was in ancient Israel. It wasn't a grown guy marrying a 12-year-old girl, but more a 13-year-old YOUNG MAN (as he was seen then) marrying the 12-year-old, but usually the marriage occurred a few years later, in the mid-teens, especially in the Early Christian context, where women had more rights than American women at the founding of this country. They theoretically could have an estate alongside their husband, if Roman law allowed it, which the Church then was subject to legally, as long as Roman law did not violate a specific commandment of the Bible, which was still being written then and presented as Divine Legal Authority to churches by the Apostles of Christ...Traditional Jewish law against intergenerational marriage is included in the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia). Fantasy about intergenerational marriages are lawful under Christian law as long as it isn't spoken of or documented in graphic detail anywhere where it could violate community standards, thus offend the senses of any reasonable person. That's what fornication is - violating the standards of at least one person on what is sexually motivated or not, and when defended, a form of sexual entitlement. I always can think of an ulterior reason to pornography for my posts, and if I can't, I just don't post it. You just don't do that, for the same reason we don't go naked in public - and all my religious beliefs are centered that way.

Most survivors aren't prejudiced against pedophiles, but still don't want sex with children legalized. The reason we are sequestered is that WE as a movement were a bit too speculative on that issue in the past. No, it's wrong, full stop. Even if they enjoy it, because then you don't know where it'll go from there. We don't speculate like that anymore, but some here hold views on child sexuality that if I knew about, *I* would shun for defending fornication and adult sexual entitlement. There is never a reason for "healthy pedophilia". A healthy pedophile is restraining, and has purely connotational attractions. Much like me. The pedophile is expressed in the eyes, not anywhere else. My eyes wander, but in a non-abusive way much of the time - because even looking in a way that spooks a child is sexual abuse. My gaze goes so low that they don't notice 99% of the time. This blog tells the story of how I got to that point, because I wasn't always such a saint.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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