Thursday, April 22, 2021

The pedophiles we are already supporting: Is pedophile acceptance already happening

 Many people say "pedophiles will never be accepted, they should all be put down". Pedophilia is the most stigmatized disorder in the DSM-5. However, are we treating the disorder already? Most people do not know where the pedophiles are. Your local SSI office? Your local autism services office?

Most of the pedophilic adults from VirPed do not represent the true demographics of the board in terms of profile. Virtuous Pedophiles is a victim board, meaning it caters to pedophile victims, meaning the majority of pedophiles profiled, according to observations by the Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. So, many don't understand where the pedophiles are, or else they wouldn't be concerned. But, the pedophiles would, and usually are concerned about their risk towards children, unlike the rest of the adult population that should also be.

My belief is that there is a large pedophile population that doesn't fit into any of the support groups on the Internet. We are talking those with co-morbid autism, usually of the "exist" variety. Most everyone at VirPed seems to show autistic traits of some sort. Think the technical type guy who is introverted, is a man of few words, but opens right up in relation to children, at their level. He supports positive parenting strategies, whereas he has no formal education in these strategies - he just picked up somewhere.

Pedophilia is an autistic trait, in that your age-oriented sexual preference didn't grow up. In a treatment setting, you can map out, based on the children's rights science on sexual development, as well as common knowledge about genetics, when you physically became a pedophile. I did at age 11, and my attractions are stuck there in terms of age. Usually, when a boy starts puberty, he starts noticing peers his exact same age and those younger. Pedophilia simply is when he doesn't grow up in that arena. 

This is a trait that is actually very visible to autism professionals, namely those for adults, but also for children, and doctors and professionals in general. Doctors seem to ignore it because they don't know how to treat it. The idea is not to coax it out through gaslighting, but invite conversation, maybe blurting out facts that not every pedophile is predestined to offend, and that all have choices, in a very vague manner, leading to the pedophile coming out. Usually, it is a victim, and comes out in tearful format. If it is a tone-deaf pedophile, it is a victimizing victim - most predatory pedophiles, in fact, are victimizing victims, and use a valid trauma as a main excuse for abuse, which often includes major anger issues towards the boss, for example. We lump them in with covert narcissists, meaning they want to overthrow an authority...Isn't it more rewarding to overthrow your own authority, and actually do something, instead of boss adults around?

It could be that the disorder is already getting treated for some pedophiles, namely victimizing victims, who commit acts of sexual abuse on the lawful level. This usually involves sexual harassment incidents, such as the perpetrator not respecting the personal space of the victim, in the form of antisocial "comfort"/"company". Sometimes, the perpetrator commits rape against the child victim/target. We don't know, as a fact, whether this is happening.

In 2012, the support group Virtuous Pedophiles was founded by Nick Devin and Ethan Edwards (both pseudonyms). Since then, support has creeped up, usually in more progressive areas of society, and this includes many children's rights advocates here. We at children's rights have had knowledge of non-offending pedophiles for some time, and they did have loosely assembled groups on the dark web. Now, the knowledge of non-offending pedophiles is somewhat well-known, yet hidden. Many people know what a clinical pedophile is as opposed to the forensic "pedophiles" you see in newspaper blotter, but don't let on that they do until you ask "What type of pedophile are you talking about?" and then clarifying "clinical pedophile". Most survivors then think you do have an issue, but not a big one, and that you as a person are more than a label.

The pedophiles are now admitting their power and control over children, and seeking to treat children with respect. Are parents next?

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