Friday, April 23, 2021

Nothing much changes here

 In a profiling situation, in a children's rights movement, there can be a bit of "Hollywood blitz" in terms of a desire for drama when there isn't any. Then, people make up drama. I am not a drama king except to the abusers, and otherwise am rather plain in how I live my life.

Generally, when pedophiles are investigated, it is a peacekeeper level offense, meaning drill to the bottom, and let the oil spew everywhere. The crime that I actually committed, antisocial "rough-play" under children's rights classifications, was a lawful level offense. Some criminal offenses exist at the lawful level, meaning the police don't gaslight them, but simply send a patrol officer to their house. In the case here, if it was properly handled, a Reading patrol squad would have been sent to issue a verbal or written warning, denoting my cousin's wishes for me to not engage in that behavior anymore. If the behavior continued, it would be a $300 offense.

There was no need for all this. When you gaslight a lawful offender, you end up getting pretty much the same thing at the end, and what changed was of their choosing. That's what it is like to be a victim - you have choices. Victimizing victims do exist, and they usually commit low-level child sexual abuse such as sexual harassment, being a nuisance to the victim to the point of a routine patrol call to a home, usually a domestic incident in some capacity.

People here are looking for a big change, and that's what's holding everything up. That's what happens with clinical pedophiles in the case of the police "barking up the wrong tree" - the tape goes on and on and on. Many times, there was an offense, but it was upgraded for some reason, prompting a gaslighting response...What I did, in terms of the law, was basically a traffic ticket at worst, meaning a non-traffic summary citation. The statute of limitations for any summary citation, traffic or non-traffic, is 90 days, so my cousin, if she wanted justice under the law, won't get it.

I can see ahead...not much will change. Shoving a burden off your brain. It is attached to the very back of the brain, the hindbrain, involving memory. I did go back in time in much of the tape, informing me of the Focus on the Family cyberstalking. I was wanted by this movement for some time, namely by the female faction, yet they were kept from me. Many men would romanticize it, but I don't - the women here are simply people, hence why nobody has gotten anything in their inbox from me. If it said "Max" it wasn't from me. My name is "Maxwell" on Facebook, a name the perpetrators will never admit to. They want me to be Maxine. I know a lot about the case against my advocacy, but sit on a lot. God knows all, but saves its use until the last day.

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