Wednesday, April 21, 2021

It's time to cut the umbilical cord, Robbyn

 I do not support your personal application of gentle parenting, if this is how you treat children, and if a child perceives it as abuse, I'm right alongside them. I do not have any earthly reports about you from a child, but know that you do work with children. If you meddle like that towards them, and I find out through a child's complaint, you're done. It's called antisocial "hover".

Cut the umbilical cord. I'm not 4, I'm 24. If you want to infantilize me, there is a way to do it - think what a 12-year-old boy would be like. Would you beg a 12-year-old boy to ear. I say that because that's where my development is stuck at. Not at 3, but 11 to be exact, as that's when I had my first orgasm, and that's when I became a pedophile. I realized it at age 16. A 12-year-old boy is one that you give them space, but set limits nonetheless, and by then, in a gentle parenting home, you should have a working relationship. But, they don't want mommy hanging all over them. They want to do things themselves, like maybe have their own bank account and order food. In some countries, 12-year-olds can be officially-recognized child-minders, like in Iceland. 

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