Thursday, April 22, 2021

Can autism be a victim as well

 Yes, Mr. Ne'eman, I actually do support autism rights, but in implied, distant format. I can tell you are afraid of child sexual abuse being legalized.

This is a disgrace. Anti-children's rights, stop harassing Mr. Ne'eman about me, immediately. You shall not defame me to bully another autistic to commit suicide. No, I don't see it as his autism used against him. Anyone with that kind of trauma would react that way when cloistered with limited information like that.

I do not think you are a pedophile, just because you say you find children annoying. I don't, at all. I don't resent children, at all. I literally cannot get angry with a child. It's like gaslighting...they just make me tired by the end of the day, the rare times I'm placed in a caregiver role.

I don't assume anyone is a pedophile unless they say so, but assume that any child that reports abuse isn't "making it up" and is telling the truth. I attach idealizing connotations to that, and have a habit of crusading anger to shut up opposition to the child's testimony. Maybe we are opposites? I think we are. 

Many with autism worry that they are a pedophile, but if you are one, you would know - it would be obvious from the time of your mid-teens. It's not something THAT low. If you are any adult worried about hurting a child, know that the mere presence of such a worry means you'll never do it, especially since you don't appear to interact with children like a pedophile would...Autistic pedophiles can relate better to children, generally, as opposed to adult peers. You report the reverse in the tape, which isn't pedophilia at all. Pedophile OCD is what I think is the case, meaning you are literally one of the safest people to be around children, because you know the boundaries, and you fixate about them. It isn't something that you become aware of if you are autistic. If you are autistic, you have better ability to be aware of yourself about these things, and you either are a pedophile or you aren't, like a mental illness. Adults would be easy to ignore, like vanish.

There is no rivalry between Mr. Ne'eman and me. This is all a fabricated grooming story. I haven't familiarized myself with that community in a long time, and left partially because autism is not always a good thing. Mr. Ne'eman's case is what I'd call pro-social, and mine not. I, however, will not kill myself for one person, when a whole movement of other people would be hurt, and a whole family and friends of mine would be hurt. Everyone you care about would be hurt if you did it as well, Mr. Ne'eman.

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