Friday, April 30, 2021

April 30th is International Day to End Corporal Punishment of Children

 Today, we should be aware of both the good and bad relating to children being punished in the form of lawful physical battery. 

The bad is that it is common in the United States, with 94% of parents punishing their child with legalized domestic violence. The good? God's Law is above the land, and thus we have a legal ban already under American traditional law linked to the Christian family values of this country. It states in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stir up" or "upbraid" and refers to legal damages imposed upon a child, such as pain, shame, and emotional distress. Parenting in the biblical context was attachment-based, and children were close to parents, namely mothers, with striking a child being considered unclean. Physical chastisement was intended as a form of judicial corporal punishment, after the conviction of a capital offense. Children could not be charged with a crime.

The secular authorities, namely lawmakers in state houses across the country, need to recognize the Divine Prohibition against spanking and other forms of lawful domestic violence against children...It is happening slowly, as it should, with states tightening up their physical abuse laws. Infants under age 1, here in Pennsylvania, are protected from physical violence of all sorts, with 30% of the parent population here in America striking infants as punishment for things such as crying. Spanking is wrong for any age for similar reasons - children know they have a need, usually conflated with a want, but don't know how to express it in a mature, adult manner. A 2-3 year-old cries for the same reason as an infant under age 1 - for love! Same when any child cries, or a teenager pouts. They need something, and it sure isn't punishment.

Dear parents, namely those who defend spanking and punishment, YOU SHALL NOT EXIST anywhere within the several states and territories of the United States of America, but since you do, you are undeserving of any livelihood or reputation upon this earth! YOU SHALL NOT PROVOKE YOUR CHILD TO ANGER. Instead, go KYS, you depraved and entitled spoog and speck. Hide your punitive grasp towards your child, which is unsightly, so we can vacuum it up on the last day - when we ban your right to be a parent...because parenting isn't a right. Parenting is a privilege and a duty, but more so a duty towards a child, which some of us don't have the privilege of being righteously enslaved in. Anything, for them to feel safe at home, meaning nothing in terms of violence shall be tolerated. Hide, spoog, hide! So we know where to find you, and where to find your children, so we can remove them once you give our nation's hardworking caseworkers lip. Don't give me lip as well, with me having that caseworker personality. I AM above you as a pedophile of the traumatic sort, and YOU SHALL TRUST MY TRAUMA as a clinical traumatic pedophile. Punishment of a child is pure evil and witchcraft to me.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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