Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Why America IS a Christian nation - and why spanking is banned

Many parents claim that they have rights, and that includes the "right" to punish a child, including through physical battery or emotional menace/verbal abuse. America is a Christian nation, founded on Judaeo-Christian family values. Yet, spanking should be banned.

American society and norms are based on the concept of Christian non-entitlement, meaning the opposition of entitlement in others, leading to an orderly society that functions without disruption or disturbance. Entitlement, at the lowest level, is disturbance, in the public realm, when it demands on others, which all public temper tantrums about a crying child does for a parent. It is an eyesore for me, and I'd like parents like that secluded somewhere else - jail. Maybe death is too easy, so give them life in prison without protective custody. But, how about hang 'em, let the blood let, then 'nail em for three days afterwards. You think you are some selfless jerk, punishing a child? I'll show you what punishment actually is. It's called an outstreched fist, and it knocks everything out, teeth and all...Whip these parents just like Solomon would any fool or dullard. See Prov. 20:30. Note that age isn't a factor in that verse, and it does talk about a legal punishment imposed upon young men over the age of majority - but not children, that's for sure. That would be illegal, due to the defense of infancy in ancient Israel, in which case the age of responsibility was at the age of majority. "Child", in the original Hebrew, is denoted by the ךעֵנֵ, better translated as "young man" and refers specifically to a young man who has graduated from his father's religious instruction.

It is a parental obligation to love one's child, that is stated in the entire Bible by tradition. Love is denoted, in the New Testament, by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to indentured servitude or righteous enslavement to one's child, knowing that one is the enemy of children, merely for existing as an adult in relation to children. By default, no adult is saved, and all adults are condemned to eternal Hell-fire by default for abusing, punishing, or disrespecting children. The only adults who are saved are those who treat others, namely children, with respect.

It is surrender to the child's every vulnerable need, including attachment needs, leading to the child surrendering their trust, and surrendering away their worries, in the presence of a parent. It say in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender to the safety and security of parents in the form of secure attachment, namely one that encourages openness and transparency. The Greek root word translated ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and is translated "stir up" or "upbraid" and refers to legal damages such as pain, shame, defamation of character, stolen goods, and/or fornication, guided by controlling and/or entitled attitudes. This, in the modern context, prohibits lawful child abuse such as spanking/corporal punishment, time-out/false imprisonment, and/or loss of privileges/items/toys, going upward in terms of lawful severity...Punishment, apart from legal proceedings within a court of law, was banned, and since children under the age of majority were protected by an age of infancy defense, and also an ignorance defense, it was a violation of Jewish law to punish a child, under any circumstances. Parenting was attachment-based, with children staying with their mothers until late, with girls staying with their mother until the age of majority - 12 under that legal system. Infancy lasted until age 3.

These are, in fact, our values. American values are biblical values, and vice versa. The Constitution gives us freedom, but unfettered freedom leads to chaos. A society must have values, in the form of objective morality or norms that govern how society is set up, and runs. That objective morality comes from the Bible, and God's Law is above the law of the land, and spanking is banned in this country already. All that has to happen is that state and federal governments recognize it.

Let the pro-spanking parents burn! That's not what America is about - punishing and controlling children. We aren't about keeping children down, even if that banner is used to justify such abuse. We are about personal freedom, including religious freedom, balanced with personal responsibility. Children have the right to freedom at roughly the same methodology of accountability as adults. 

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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