Saturday, March 20, 2021

Who I keep down as a survivor: Myself first, others last

I am a very critical person, yet tolerant person at the same time. Pro-social judgmental, pro-social center. I center my judgment, keep my own counsel, and am commanded by God's Law to judge my neighbor. Many here keep down a certain community due to their trauma. I ultimately keep down one person, myself. Pro-social self-loathing, leading to oppression of self. Ultimately, it is answering to a higher earthly authority. Who are they? Children and their needs.

All adults, by default, are capable of abuse, therefore are culpable merely for existing in relation to children. This means I am wicked, depraved, and worthless, and God hates my nature from the very beginning, instead loving how I have improved over the years. Many will be called to be a parent to children, in some capacity. Few of us will be saved. I am lawfully, judicially, and selflessly subject to the every vulnerable need of a child, or else condemn myself to eternal Hell-fire for any refusal to become/stay a gentle parent.

I am not worthy of salvation. I am not worthy of anything. I am worthy of nothing from a child. I am grateful that at least two trust me, because I am undeserving of such grace, so continue to treat children with respect. 

I am the enemy of children, merely for existing as their indentured servant and righteous slave, attending to their every need, shut up and shamefaced, allowing them space to be themselves. They make friends with me in due time, on accord, on accord of me choosing to treat them with respect.

I keep myself down lower than a child to elevate her status, empower her with ability to assert herself in relation to me. I am last, and she is first, and justice is done by reverent fear, denoted by the Greek root word ψοβός (Latin: phobos), which leads to Christian love once selfless good is done to children. True love for a child is fear - reverent fear for her own good, just as Christ humbled himself for His children.

Let the entitled adults BURN! Let them SUFFER! Let them languish in the lake of fire and burning sulfur! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! I am responsible for my choices linked to my existence in relation to children.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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