Thursday, March 18, 2021

Are survivors pedophiles?: Why "pedophile" is one subtype of survivor (and one of many)

 Anti-spanking pedophiles? Children's rights pedophiles? Remember the old days, when we were calling each other "the pedophiles". The controversy about the pedophiles regards "where are the pedophiles?". Some say in pro-spank land (I hope not), and some say here (not at all). Ultimately, in the public square, the pedophiles are at the Virtuous Pedophiles forum, meaning they are victims and not perpetrators. Are survivors pedophiles here? They may mimic pedophiles to some degree, but I think we have an overabundance of the reverse, so to speak.

Autopedophilia - I said it, fair and square. I actually DO have that side, but only for a lawfully wedded wife, which nobody in my life is. Autopedophilia and pedophilia are actually related conditions, with autopedophilia only being pathological when expressed in early childhood. They can have the same "dome" capacity as a pedophile.

There is now a pro-pedophile lobby of survivors now, consisting of one individual - Maxwell Clark Scheibner. Everyone else hides their pedophile, and those types tend to hate women or at least fearfully mistrust them. There are no other pedophiles here, as far as I am concerned. Peacekeepers? Quite a few, with me being a feigned one. But, you can be auto and feign a peacekeeper - it happens all the time. Some stereotypes are true.

The original children's rights involvement in the pedophile community was ageplay, with actual pedophiles being peacekeepers. Children's rights spaces have long been progressive places to "play" as well as work. When sexual norms in America loosened, after the sexual revolution, pedophiles became more demanding, and so we swung out the peacekeepers.

We don't want pedophiles here who come simply for the sexual fanfare. For all intents and purposes it doesn't exist for them. We want pedophiles for the reasons I am here - professional reasons. Think shaded windows. Think copier. Think conference table and slideshow. I like to be boring a little bit. I tried my best for the pedophile events here to be mundane, and end with a whole lot of nothing.

Most survivors are not pedophiles. Most are like me in another way - sexually conservative in terms of expression. We aren't like how we used to be. I can relate when people here say sex can be a huge weapon when misused, thus is not an inherently good thing at all. Pedophilia is a neutral topic for me, due it being a mental health diagnosis.

Children's rights, to me, simply is pro-pedophile, as "pro" means pro-identification, in terms of self-diagnosis, as a means of primary prevention of child abuse. That's what children's rights is - we control ourselves so we don't end up controlling children unfairly, which is at all.

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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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