Sunday, February 21, 2021

Understanding privilege on the issue of pedophilia

 A few people have seen my reverse gaslighting side of my pedophile/trauma defense. It is intended not to suppress, but to bring out and corner suspects in divine investigation against feigned survivors. If you get to that point, where you are stalking me based on that condition, you are no longer a survivor to me. That's why I left out "you survivors" statements and such - I respect survivors, I just don't respect you when you treat me that way. Oh, it was a bloodbath, all shouted into thin air. I'm glad its over (or I hope so - ball is in their court).

Pedophile victimhood can be understood in terms of mental health rights/parity, in relation to the choice not to abuse children. Pedophiles are the responsible ones, alongside the mental health system, the latter which is responsible for treating pedophiles before the fact, alongside all other mental disorders, to the degree of all mental disorders.

Who is on the not responsible list? Trauma survivors, parent of sexually abused children, and child victims of active abuse, as well as everyone else in the pedophile's life. It is a good suggestion to be supportive, but not everyone can handle that sort of burden placed on. That is a choice...I am grateful that members of my page are listening in with concern, because depending on how I would have disclosed it instead, they all would have left...

Ultimately, when a pedophile harms a child, survivors are NOT responsible. WE, the pedophiles of society, are responsible when we abuse a child, abuse our power over children, and subjugate children with sexual oppression, objectification, and venom. Neither is the child, in chronological format, responsible.

Most sex offenses are not because of peacekeepers, but because of very poor decisions by sexually entitled adults, to say the least. Generally, the abuser is left alone with the child, and usually, the abuser is drunk and/or high on some mind-altering substance, and then uses the child as an "escape". Why were you even there? Why were you even drinking so much? Why were you even still living in the house knowing you have that problem? All of those choices also heap up on you, and become the abuse itself, according to my Christian faith - the damages show your intent leading up to the infliction of said damages.

We do, however, need comprehensive mental health reform on the issue of pedophilia. In the vast majority of cases, person-centered and cognitive approaches in the form of parent coaching is what is needed. Say calmly "No, that won't work". A well-meaning pedophile will seem to want to fill-in gaps in their intuition, which says sex with children is wrong (I don't think pro-contact pedophiles are being honest with their conscience).

Reverse the U. Instead of sending all these people to prison afterwards, over crowding everything, turn it around and send it where it needs to go - Harrisburg and other state capitols should issue funding for pedophilia treatment. Who are the abusers of pedophiles? Who are the abusers of children? Think the guy who wears a robe and preaches "the pedo scum will burn in Hell" and also, on the other side of things "the defiled survivors and anti-spankers indoctrinating one special member of our congregation will perish in Hell-fire". Yes, THAT is oppression, by way of a two-sided flickr. Hang the prejudicial perjurors, then righteously crucify them for 3 days. Do not harm anyone. Not even a pedophile who has harmed nobody.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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