Thursday, February 11, 2021

Time-capsule museum: The religious intent of my work

I am a controversial figure in the children's rights movement. Why? I am a Christian conservative, and open about that side of my belief system. Most people are told a different story about my beliefs, meaning a different set of beliefs, period. You can be a Christian conservative and an anti-spanking advocate. This blog is a trauma museum, in time-capsule format. Some people want to kill me for even saying this.

I am a child/youth rights advocate, with "child" and "youth" having differing yet intersecting meanings. My children's rights understanding is based on the word "child", meaning reclaiming the word from a slur and instead an access pass to equality and freedom in relation to adults. "Child" describes a group of people whose rights will be bestowed upon them by Divine Legal Grace, in worldly format. As an advocate, I lure the abusers here, and bring out the law on them, seeing them bounce in terror and conviction above the text. We hope for a change of heart. The first half of parenthood slashed off to non-existence. If you were an entitled parent before becoming one of us, you never were, because that sinful life doesn't exist. At some point, you choose to become a better parent, or adult to children (in my case), and the past is erased by God. 

This page is written for a certain time period, where America hearkens to the news of the graven, horrendous harm from corporal punishment of children, in otherworldly yet worldly format to strike reverent terror and anguish in the depraved, entitled parents who provoke children to anger through violence and blows. "I am scared. I am scared. I am scared". So much you'll fake it to real it. We want to take away your rights as a parent, and terrorize and plunder your parenting freedoms, so that you may be a parrot to the state and God's Law unblemished by parent bias. You mess with us, and we silence you or else put you down some other way. We will shut up your choice to spank, and you become one of us, by your own choice...Pro-spanking parents will always be afraid of their freedoms being taken away, so we play on that here at Ban Adult Entitlement, and make you afraid, and when you hide it with rationality, we still know you are afraid, and the anti-spanker is winning. I am intentionally and willfully disrespecting a large group of parents as a pedophile, and I want them to be hysterical and then want to be mad instead. ALL. OF. YOU. IN. JAIL. SOON. In Hell sooner. Your own venom against you.

None of this sentiment will be on Fox News, but in the future, we hope for lynch mobs for anyone who identifies as a parent, for any reason, because there'd be no societal reason except to excuse abuse. You'd stand out like a tall poppy, so we'd all mob you down like pro-social gang rape, just in the children's rights days of old. We want hysteria. For the children. For the children. For the children. In prison, on house arrest, with the one who should provide instead "protecting" by punished. *I* am a watchdog being hung and strangled, and I martyr myself for my child anyway, breaking through the cracks, finding any way to help her succeed, and NOTHING. CAN. STOP. ME. Not even antisocial threads of pedophilia, as I just reel those back like a garden hose.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

Child punishment: Why God hates any punishment of a child

Many parents think that they feel entitled to punishing a child. This is a common attitude amongst American parents. Most American parents f...