Monday, February 1, 2021

Pro-swoon, pro-social parent free: Banning GPNOs (who I want out)

Many expect me to try and ban a group of people from the community. Blacks/African-Americans/POC? They're okay. Women? They're okay. Jews? They're okay. Muslims? They're okay (namely progressive Muslims - I hate fundamentalist Islam on a moral level). GPNOs? How about GTFO and go KYS. We don't want you here. We were abused by scroungenecks like you. Messiah swoon. Save us all, by leaving us all - at least all of us at Max, with "parent" trauma conflated with pedophiles.

What is a GPNO? Gentle parent in name only. Gentle parenting itself has a very broad continuum of application, centered around the children's rights code. The one thing to avoid as a parent is entitlement leading to theft/abuse, which leads you to no punishment, control, or sexual/behavioral neglect. Apart from this, parent as you wish, and I don't care. But, inflict any damages upon a child's person, property, or effects (impact without consent, at the least), and you end up on my bad side, and I cast you away alongside the conglamorate...We are talking someone who says that "gently" spanking a child can be gentle parenting. It isn't, and I was seriously messed up by that very setup.

It says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated "judge" κρινο (Latin: krino) and refers to courtroom judgment, meaning surrounding the person, with the presumption of innocence, beyond a reasonable doubt, with superficial suspicion. I do not know anything about you as a gentle parent, so I presume the best, that nothing is going on at home that might concern me, that you aren't spanking a child defensively, that you aren't hiding a sexual predator/fornicator. I do not judge with a two-sided window, but a clear window looking in from above, like a hawk swooping in for carrion. Parents are prey, and children are friends aside me. Hand in hand. Be their friend, not their enemy. Pro-social avoidance of bias also, as I am to have no bias in terms of my righteous judgment of others, apart from right versus wrong, and who did it. Doesn't matter why or the "humane" circumstances (the latter can matter when an apologetic confession can be fished out). Simple, rigid whodunnit judgment of parents. Once I deem you guilty, you are my property, and I can project onto you whatever I want in order to keep myself safe.

The sex-critical acronym here is pro-social excursion, pro-social bright-light. We all search for evidence on the parents, in a slow, seep-down manner, creeping on their misuse of our parenting, using righteous tests as a way to poke and get out guilty spurts onto the page. Then, once the parent erupts, we all turn on it! That thing, yes, is an "it" to me. It could well lash out on such a little thing such as me if it hits its children. We all rebuke, then walk away...for EVER! Shun them for all time!

The desired result for an entitled parent defending such filth...door hang. Tongue exposed. Bloody mouth. Swoon all around. Child/pedophile liberated from an abusive home. So you feel sorry for these sick bastards? I don't. Viva la anti-spanking revolution. Viva la bloodlust.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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