Monday, February 1, 2021

"Pedophiles don't have trauma": A falsehood plagiarized by pro-parent crusaders (the best, meaning worst, of lawful physical abuse victims)

 Spanking and corporal punishment are widely accepted forms of child abuse in American society. 94% of parents spank or otherwise physically punish their child. Pedophiles exist. Many people believe a pedophile cannot be traumatized. That is actually the opposite, often to the disadvantage of a child target/victim. Pedophiles have trauma, just like most other adults have trauma. It is simply expressed differently. Angry/sad box.

I myself was spanked/punished as a child, with my father inflicting around 5-6 swats to the buttocks. I, at the very time, thought what was happening was wrong, at every level. I went onto children's rights websites in the United States, especially liking the anti-spanking sections. I was very angry, and defiant, in an aggressive way that modeled my parents' entitled attitudes straight back at them. The trauma evolved, and conflated itself with children eventually.

I myself, for the past few years, have struggled with pedophilic disorder, meaning that I am afraid of harm/trauma inflicted upon a child's person, in the form of heightened parental anxiety and alarm. It was at a very low, yet very aware level, in a freezing motion. It wasn't a spur to action, per se, but one that is a spur to action leading to inaction. It is a paralyzed state, where you can't do anything for your child, who isn't your child, who is being abused by THEIR own parents. I wish I could just call some hotline, but the law won't let me. I am a very alarmed, up-and-atom person on even lawful spanking. Think urgency. Think rushing to the scene. Think pro-social monitor. I am a neighborhood watch type, but I only observe neighbors at the lowest level. Otherwise, my righteous judgment doesn't exist to them. 

My trauma is compacted currently, but in the past, I wanted to kill myself out of caretaker suicide (a kamakaze type feeling). I felt compelled and obligated to stop parents from treating their children like that, because YOU WILL PAY IN PRISON as A PARENT if you punish that child, YOU HEAR ME? Fook "reasonable chastisement", and fucken slam the parent to the muthafucken ground, and watch the blood flow. That is parent anger. That used to be anxiety, of the avoidant/self-isolating type. I don't get adults (they tower over me). I only get children.

Pedophilic trauma can be misused. It is usually an anti-spanking trauma imposed on a child by way of adult (sexual) entitlement. It is a dissociative trauma, meaning the perpetrator "runs away" or "escapes" with a child to dissociate from fear, usually in the form of sexual harassment, but maybe leading to sexual assault/rape.

What happened? In the 1990s, our movement decided to "pitch the word" and spread the misuse of medical terminology throughout the country, and throughout the globe. This was by hostile parties attached to this movement. Children's rights, as a movement framework, is not entirely hostile to pedophiles. We have to appear anti-pedophile completely (as opposed to only word format) on the surface, but we have an underground railroad mechanism, of sorts, where pedophiles can identify in a clinical pathological manner and seek support. They can advocate for the people they are attracted to. We were never supposed to be this big pedophile hating machine...and it's about time we reeled things back.

Parental rights is the enemy of both children and pedophiles alike. Parents have too many rights in this country, including the "right" to physically and perhaps verbally abuse a child in the name of discipline. It isn't that parents are "overprotective", but that they don't protect enough. We need to annihilate parental rights, and replace it with children's rights. If you are a parent, you have no rights. Only duties towards your child.

Yes, dear parents. I have trauma - and mine weren't. They just implied themselves.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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