Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Assessment of current living situation

 I am made aware that others think I am angry with my mother all the time. The police want to spread rumors. It is called deception gaslighting. They do not want my "blog to succeed", and so they will spread lies and falsehoods in order to spread rumors and chaos.

My mother does not identify as a parent. She just is one, and a good one, and so I respect her for showing respect unlike many other parents in this country.

It says in Colossians 3:20

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender to parents out of love and grace from parents, coming from secure attachment and rest. It is automatic compliance, where you just know your mother means well. She tells you to stop because a car is coming, and you stop. She tells you not to discuss a certain subject in public, you be quiet and don't discuss it, and then either change the topic or quietly and patiently wait for your food. 

I am very quiet at home, generally. Sometimes I have quite a bit to say about relevant topics. I am no longer a loud, boisterous character. I am a humble, shamefaced, quiet person. I can be very loud on the Internet, but not at home. Even though I do not have to respect my mother objectively, I have to respect her objectively subjectively, because she is a good mother, and she's earned it for being so good to me.

There are relatives in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania and also in Minnesota who are apparently being told that there is a domestic abuse situation here. There isn't. My faith values allow me to invoke law, but that should be conducive to the secular laws against harassment/battery whenever possible. Invocation of law with a parent is a very pragmatic legal motion, which is pro-social verbal rape, with floorboard sparing motion, with many warnings beforehand. Basically, I intentionally set up a time to confront her on where she is derelict of her duties in order to get her to "wake up and smell the coffee" and then work with her to change to solutions that fit the needs of both of us.

A stern talking to based on "enough is enough" gaslighting, with judicial anger. I can find any fault of my mother's under the Law, and hold it against her in a court of law, but I choose not to, because she's been nothing but good to me. The incident that happened two weeks or so was a triangulation incident collaborated by Blake and cronies.

God's Law treats all parents with the same standard but with a different brush. Parents are a hostile entity, even if they are good, because the good ones like my mom will admit ignorance over their child's feelings and experience. The child self-advocates, and the parent shuts up, listens, then carries out duties in a collaborative manner. I am allowed to reverse gaslight my mother to the point that the higher powers, meaning the law itself, will allow. Yes, this can include physical restraints in the case that 1) You are willing to state directly to the detainee why they are being restrained, and 2) The reasons given are benevolent and pro-social (ex. the safety towards others, communication breakdown due to grooming situation), and 3) The restraint is specifically designed not to cause lasting injury. My mother told others that "he tried to choke me". That part is 100% true, but I did not have the intent to choke, but simply to transport her to another venue where more could be explained. This is very unfortunate. I was hospitalized, and I literally cried a few pouts (that's all I cry) because of what I felt that I had to do. I hope I never have to communicate like that to my mother again, and only use words. She is good to me, and doesn't need that kind of aggravation.

I'm not afraid of her. Obedience runs deeper that. It's called being beholden to mimick a beholden parent. The parents I hate are all over at parent-land, meaning the ones I count as parents. My mother simply is my parent, in a way I take for granted, but while being grateful at the same time - it is what is normal. Constantly fighting with your parents is alien to you, in a grateful manner. There is an adversarial component, however - I am her child, and she will never fully understand what it is like to be a child (even while legally being an adult - dependent on parents), so she should shut up like she does well, and listen like she does well, meaning I'm really writing to other parents, not her, while writing to her.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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