Thursday, January 21, 2021

Narcissist "by my perception"

 "Anything I want" Matthew Copeland

Anti-CR setting up conflicts. "Do you realize I set things up so that you'd leave eventually"

I set things up differently, Matthew, by my own choices in relation to myself. All others take heed - I will stay until the end of time, and endure all adversity necessary, for *I* am not here just for me. *I* am here for them, as WE are parents, and WE are parents.

I am not on the dark web, Matthew. Not the right place for me, because I avoid any pornography, including child pornography, strenuously. I do not want you to "die in jail for existence". Someone is getting you upset, and it is someone I REALLY HATE. They are preying on you with that false drug, that false security blanket, and I want THEM dead in prison...You seem to be afraid of a peacekeeper. There isn't any peacekeeper, apart from an antisocial parent. I can go up and down my psyche, and I can tell that I simply have parental protective anger suppressed, in a way that may come out on an entitled pro-spanking parent at the wrong time.

Have you been told not to read my blog? That is "do not read" gaslighting, which should only be done by the blog owner himself (meaning me). Otherwise, you stay put or come here as you please, either way.

I take liberty to say ANY SUPPOSITION that I WOULD EVER OPPOSE CHILDREN's RIGHTS enough to hire an agency on my behalf that has that sole purpose is INSULTING! This is to everybody. Those are stereotypes. Who are progressives on the issue of child abuse? All over the place. Some spank, and some don't, and looking downwards in the darkness of the family home...I'm just freaking ticked off. 

Murder is one of the Ten Commandments, and is a form of entitlement leading to theft. Any physical battery, meaning the slightest of touch against an individual without consent, with the level and severity of this unlawful contact leading to deadly contact.

I find it INSULTING that anti-CR is speaking for me. YOU WILL DIE BY HELLFIRE ROBBYN IF YOU EVER SAY I HATE THE CHILD's rights again! YOU KILL YOURSELF BECAUSE YOUR EXISTENCE HATES THEM...or maybe I just demonstrate my anger real well, instead of repress it like a toxic male. I don't literally think you'll die by Hell-fire, Robbyn. That extension cord attached to you, that you coddle in just the right way that passes the test? That member of yours will definitely go to Hell. You'll be fine, as long as you don't throw flames like that around the complex. THAT is insulting, and YOU owe me an apology for even insinuating that I oppose children's rights merely for having an existence with a certain mental health disorder. Nobody likes the concept of attraction to children, and we'll be honest. Maybe I don't like it sometime, but to single out someone with that diagnosis, and assume that they hate children TO THAT LEVEL? I don't even treat parents like that. I presume innocence in parents beyond a reasonable doubt. I think you are a good parent to children, Robbyn, because I have no evidence to the contrary. I don't "narrow down" parents - just to put things in perspective. I'm not going to battle over the airwaves, Robbyn. Go write a whole page in ALL CAPS about me, will you? This whole "he's going to attack" is getting old. I just did, to the best of my ability, since I am not a peacekeeper. Yawn. I'm done. Just hit send, and you then leave me alone. You are very conflict oriented, aren't you. I simply argue to shut down conflict, and put down my opponent - once they walk away limping, and/or apologize, I'm fine. Just shut up, heed my concerns, and you're good. I try not to ask for much, at least. But don't EVER lump me in with the other side, EVER! You lump me in with my collective abuser and YOU'RE GONE! That side abused me on the Internet. I believe in Hell for a reason - they told me that *I* was going to Hell, so why not find out the opposite. I was agnostic, but had some belief in me - I need to believe there is some symbolic justice for my abuse that exists in 94% of children nationwide. It's EVERYWHERE! HELP! HELP! I CAN'T STOP THEM FROM HURTING! Don't you EVER lump me in with who is hurting them! I am a permissive parent by virtue of child hatred, not a punitive one, and I will f*cking kill all of the punitive ones if I could.'Strangulate every one of them to death, and watch the suffocate with their tongue showing, and enjoy the show. Trapped. Cornered. Just like I was. Make them throw a traumatic temper tantrum, step on them, and then ask them "are you ready to switch to gentle parenting" "Nope" then break their back, and pride yourself in inflicting harm, because you want them to hurt, and you mean harm against all of them, even if you don't. You want them to suffer, you want them to suffer, and you enjoy them hurting because you are evil due to trauma, you admit it, and you don't care! I'm dead! I'm dead! I can't even get more angrys. Please don't hurt the kids, OR I WILL F*CKING KILL MYSELF out of hopelessness because I can't hurt you like I feel like doing in this paragraph. Please no please no please no please no! YOU LUMP ME IN WITH THESE SCUM AND...I'm done...I'm hurt. I was revictimized by parental rights and FSF FICKS. I WANT THEM SEARED ERASED!!!!!!!!...Yeah, it's that serious. Not all conservatives roll with that crowd. The concept of children's rights conservative does exist. Yes, consider the possibility of a switch of views, but don't assume until it happens. Just food for thought, or rather useless advice. Yep, I actually do give useless advice, but more like this - all over, but then I give advice for something that may never happen again ("so, don't talk to my friend like that, because now she's gone"). Or maybe I give useful implicit advice that you were completely lied to about another issue. I'm not angry with her at all. Or her parents.

Why don't I have a religious peacekeeper, Matthew? God is angry, but only at the evil in the world, and not those who perpetuate it. Not much has changed, Matthew. I just understand the finer point of anti-entitlement gaslighting exchanges. It helps me be more assertive, meaning I can't just shout at someone, nor can I hide from conflict. Instead, I must presume innocence in my opponent until I have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that he or she is guilty, and then shun them, but allowing for them to clarify their case to your court, until they prove to me that they are innocent. Guilty individuals that defend themselves, meaning their right to commit sin, are entitled and are deserving of God's wrath.

As for how I feel about progressive Christianity? Not much, as a denominational camp. It is more nebulous and inclusive than many progressive Christians here believe. Not everyone who identified or implies themselves as progressive Christians spanks or punishes their children, and, conversely, not all of us conservative folks are pro-spanking - you make this whole issue political, but only on one I think it is political as well, on both sides. This can be a bipartisan issue, if we get there, at least in public realm.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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