Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The age of consent/marriage: Why the age of consent needs to be raised to 18

A few weird pedophiles out there are loudly proclaiming the "sexual rights" of children towards them. This is a common attitude amongst pro-contact pedophiles. Most pedophiles, however, are anti-contact through and through, and are opposed to the sexual abuse of children. Most pedophiles are not pro-contact. The GirlChats of society are the only pedophiles who are pro-contact. Most pedophiles are anti-contact to the core.

The Greek root word denoting fornication and sexual immorality is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to anything outside of proper channels, as understood then. That means that the age of consent/marriage should be at the age of majority. Maybe the age of majority was different then, but those laws are nowhere repeated in the Bible. If God wanted those ages to be relevant, then He would have included them in the Bible.

Furthermore, the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) refers to the mandate that a marriage be between a man and a woman in the same place in life, meaning that a marriage should be between equals. In the Early Church, the marriages were between a man who was the same age of the woman, or else with an older woman. 

Fathers sometimes were overburdened with sexual attraction to their virgin daughters (1 Cor. 7:36). However, the virgin was married off only to a slightly older groom, and only the most polite of the young men to court the virgin. Fathers in biblical times were protective, but in a promoting way. In the Old Testament, there existed uncle/niece marriages, but even with those, the man had to wait until his bride was of age. In the New Testament, the concept of an uncle/niece marriage is prohibited.

It is a myth that the Bible, in context, condones child grooming. Virgins were not groomed by men, but rather were courted by men their own age. The father stood by his virgin, with the virgin being completely naked. The young man who treated her the finest and most polite got to be her husband.

Even marrying your daughter is prohibited under Christian law. It says in Leviticus 18:17 KJV:
Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness.

This moral statute is included in the meaning of the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to, in context, any sexual relations with one's daughter, whether it was within the presence of mothers, or when the daughter was alone and isolated. The courts then ruled that this passage refers to any sexual relations between a parent and their daughter. The Law in biblical times was applied flexibly, with the bias that all sexual relation outside of a marriage between equals being unlawful.

Church tradition is very clear as to where the age of consent/marriage should be - at the age of majority, wherever that age stands. The age of majority in most states is 18, so why not set the legal age to consent to a marriage at that age. Church tradition also holds that marriage be between individuals of the same age and place in life. Unequal marriages are invalid marriages. Also, a marriage has to be in obedience to the secular law, meaning all couples seeking marriage are to obtain a marriage license.

The ancients had an understanding of childhood, meaning that in the biblical context, adults and children were distinct roles. Marriage was seen as a duty that only an adult was capable of. Sexual relations, in particular, was seen as a privilege between adults. Children looked forward to sexual relations in marriage, and even role-played "marriage" between same-age peers. But, they couldn't have a wife or husband until they reached the legal age. The age of majority was different then, but those ages are not stated anywhere in the Bible. 

The biblical understanding of a marriage is not simply a sexual relationship. Marriage, even then, was a merger of assets, and the best way to reconstruct that context is to obey the marriage laws in your state. Here in Pennsylvania, all child marriages are banned, and I may have pulled a few lever and pushed a few buttons to get that law passed.

Adults are usually caregivers to children, not equals to children. In a child's life, presumably all adults hold a role of caregiver. When someone is your caregiver, they have power over you, and it is not wise to have sexual relations with someone who has power over you. In the case of children, a parent can force a marriage to an adult that they like, and due to the custodial relationship with the child, the child won't have any say in the matter. It is best that child marriage be banned entirely, in all states.

Maybe sexual relations between teenagers would work, but I oppose even that, as the good book states that all sexual relations be within a marriage. Thus, the appropriate ventricle is to wait until marriage in order to have sexual relations with an adult of your age and place in life. I am okay with children having sex, but only with themselves. All sexual relations outside of marriage should be banned. I myself avoid even approaching women or girls for sexual or flirtatious reasons.

I myself am a pedophile. I myself struggle with adult sexual entitlement. My self-entitlement makes me want sex with teenagers of legal age, and if I were active in my pedophilia, I would look for sexual relations with a child of legal age. However, I believe in objective Truth, and that Truth prohibits sexual relations with children of any age, and further prohibits any sexual relations outside of marriage.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
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