Sunday, February 25, 2024

Righteous masturbation: Dealing with parent attraction

Many parents have it, but none discuss it, to the point of isolation over something normal. Parent attraction to children is a common and normal form of sexual attraction to a child. Most parents get the idea that they need to "stay above" such attractions. However, parent attractions were not dealt with that way in biblical times.

Most fathers have a sexual attachment to their children, meaning the secure attachment to their children comes with sexual attraction. Most parents who have a sexual attachment to their children refuse to acknowledge that they have such attractions to their own children. The idea behind acknowledging any sexual thought is to face it head on, and masturbate to it until it is totally spent away. From there, you may have to revisit from time to time, but ultimately, the sexual attachment will show as a distant bond between father and child.

In biblical times, fathers served a limited role in the upbringing of their children. All fathers did was give praise and encouragement when children were caught being good. Apart from that, fathers kept their distance from their children. Mothers didn't usually have parent attraction, and thus could see the issue of child sexuality clearly, quickly guarding the child when the father wanted sexual relations with his daughter. Usually, mothers would redirect the father to masturbation.

The Greek root word denoting lust and inordinate passions is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but instead refers to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. That means that the sin line ultimately is at the slightest of sexually motivated approach, ultimately the first steps leading to approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons. It is okay to look the look, and think the think. It is not okay to approach the approach, or else do the deed. If you are single and celibate, you can approach the approach, but only with intent to get married later. The ultimate crime against a child isn't sexual fantasy, but doing the deed with them, meaning raping or sexually assaulting a child is the ultimate crime against the child, as well as against God. Fornication by way of rape/sexual assault is a form of blasphemy, meaning it is worse than murder. Murder is a form of theft, by comparison to child sexual abuse.

Fathers in biblical times were very much aware of their sexual attachment to their child. They just were aware on the surface level, where it can easily be controlled and managed. All fathers struggle with this to some degree, as well as some mothers. The only way out is in. That means the only valid outlet for sexual attachment in a parent is masturbation. 

I myself do not have a child of my own, but I have adult attractions in the form of pedophilia. Pedophilia is different from ordinary parent attraction in that it comes in the form of a primary or exclusive sexual preference to children under age 14. I keep safe with a mixture of righteous avoidance and righteous masturbation. I first tar all sexual prospects with the threat of eternity in Hell. From there, I re-channel my desires into masturbation. I am now in total control of my sexual behavior, meaning not driven at all. It is a place of serene calm, where I don't have any sexual urges. I simply notice things usually, such as exposed skin. I have my preferences in terms of outfits for a young girl, in my case swimsuits or sports uniforms, or else any shorts of any kind. I can't go anywhere with it unless I want to, which I don't except with an adult woman who is a trauma survivor - I want a woman who is on the same page of parenting that I am on. I don't actively want a sexual relationship with a child. I just find older children and preteens especially attractive, in the most courteous of ways. I only feel intense passions when I masturbate, and that purges the sexual attraction of the day. Righteous masturbation is a tenet of my Christian faith, meaning solo masturbation to sexual thoughts of children is a practice of my Christian faith. 

The immediate line to avoid is pornography, meaning any depiction or robot intended for sexual use. Pornography is the invention of Satan himself. Child pornography is any image or robot intended for sexual use that depicts a child. The only masturbation that is acceptable is solo masturbation - just you and a mental fantasy. Just know that many adults end up in a child pornography habit that aren't pedophiles, and that is a nasty addiction to be caught up in. I support completely removing all pornographic material from cyberspace, including child pornography. Honeypots shouldn't exist, and the images depicted should be zapped. All pornography should be prohibited under the secular law. The only way around this divine prohibition of all pornography is to look at child modeling sites, meaning righteous misuse of an image. To me, an image intended as pedophilic pornography is easy to spot and avoid - the children are posed in a way that seems "just for me". I have the Dost Test memorized, so I know what to avoid.

The depraved and decadent, defiled parents who rape or sexually assault their children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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