Friday, August 11, 2023

Abortion: Why abortion should be banned

Many people today support abortion rights, especially after Roe v. Wade was overturned. The woke left keeps pushing the mantra that a woman may need an abortion someday, so keep it legal. Recently, Ohioans voted to basically keep abortion legal. Many women do not understand is that they are disempowering themselves by supporting abortion rights. Killing unborn children is not empowerment. There should be consequences for men gallivanting around and shacking up with women. An unwanted pregnancy deters most men from using women for sexual purposes. 

It says in Exodus 20:13 KJV:

Thou shalt not kill.

The Greek root word in the New Testament denoting murder is φονος (Latin: phonos) and refers to, partially, any murder of an unborn child. Abortifacient herbs were considered contraband in the Early Church, and any woman using abortifacient herbs was excommunicated from the church for murder once found guilty by the council. Usually, though, abortion was forced on a minor girl by her sexually abusive father, in order to cover up the evidence, and in that case the father was the one excommunicated...and that is the main reasons for abortion today - abortion helps sex offenders cover up their tracks. 

Apart from aiding a rapist in covering up their tracks, abortion is disempowering to women. Men actually support abortion rights, and they support abortion rights for all the wrong reasons. With abortion being legal, all a woman has to do to cover up a liaison is terminate the pregnancy through abortion. Without abortion, the man would have to take responsibility for the child he helped conceive - something men don't want to do. So, they support abortion rights so they can sleep around the town.

Abortion, contrary to popular myth amongst both liberals and conservatives, is a rare procedure. Usually, women are pressured into getting abortions by a man in their life who doesn't want to take responsibility for having a child. Abortions also happen to cover up the evidence of rape, both of adult women and minor girls. A man can have an affair, and if abortion is legal in his state, he can have all his mistresses have an abortion to cover up the evidence of his adulterous moral crimes. 

It all comes down to the fact that an unborn child is a child worth protecting. Abortion is a form of child abuse resulting in death, meaning it is a form of child murder. I support the right of unborn children to live. An unborn child hears his/her mother's voice while in the womb. You can read to an unborn child. Women who got abortions in the Early Church were seen as cold and unfeeling mothers, like a wicked witch.

The depraved and entitled mothers who murder their unborn children in the womb, and all who aid and abet, will be cast into the everlasting lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!


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