Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Sex education in schools: Why it needs to be streamlined to fit our nation's values

Many parents are angry at the fact that children are being subjected to sexualized instruction as young as age 6. I do not oppose sex education even for elementary school students, even though I am very much a religious conservative. Sex education should be focused on abstinence, until marriage for heterosexual children, and for life for homosexual and exclusively pedophilic children. It will never be the case that a child should be encouraged to have a crush on a classmate of the same-sex. But, children do have sexualities at that age, and those needs should be catered to with tact. 

Children in biblical times were fully aware of their sexuality, from day one. Starting at age 3, they started having sexual feelings for the parent of the opposite sex, like an uneven criss-cross. Fathers and daughters were attracted to each other, in a mutually unrequited way. Boys had unrequited sexual feelings for their mothers. None of these attractions were allowed to be acted upon under the Law. Children do have a sexuality at an early age, but for their parents, not classmates. 

Sex education should be radically different from how it is being done now. The focus of sex education should be on abstinence, until marriage for heterosexual children, and for life for homosexual students. It is good to help them identify their sexual orientation, in order for them to know their path. Otherwise, children should be told that their sexual identity is a private matter and is irrelevant to anything in life. 

This is all based on the contextual application of the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia). This Greek word lifts up all of the sex crime laws in Ancient Israel, including the laws against homosexual behavior. Sexual purity values are at the core of our values system, and they need to be preserved by our school systems.

We need sex education for our young children. It would be nice if parents did it at home, but that isn't happening. But, it cannot celebrate sexual perversion. Crushes between two boys or two girls do happen, but they shouldn't be encouraged or praised - children should be encouraged to struggle against such feelings, and re-channel them into masturbation.

Sex education should teach abstinence, not promiscuity! 

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