Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Religious child abuse of pedophilic children: Why the general public should care

Many people associate pedophiles with the child abuse epidemic, accusing all pedophiles of orchestrating child abuse. The fact of the matter is that pedophiles have a mental health disorder that renders them more likely to be victims of child abuse compared to perpetrators, and more vulnerable to trauma as well due to empathic qualities of the disorder.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is a mental health disorder that involves "intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, OR behaviors involving sexual activity" with a child under the age of 14. It is a form of arrested sexual development linked directly to emotional immaturity associated with autism. On the surface, it is a child-centered form of autism, with an adult who has this form of autism only wanting to be friends with children, with strong social skills and empathy for children, and limited social skills for other adults. I myself have the disorder, and I don't actively seek out friends with adults, and only want to be friends with children. However, I know that a child wouldn't be a good friend for me due to the sexual desire that I have for them, so I remain alone in the world, and stick only to family.

What kind of abuse do pedophiles face? Pedophile hysteria, at its core, is a form of religious child abuse associated with the foursquare Baptist denominations. Children with the disorder are punished and controlled for their sexual fantasies for children. A common Bible passage used against pedophilic children is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV: 

Ye have heard of them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh upon a woman in order to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" here and throughout the New Testament is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire or sexual attraction, but to sexual desire to the point of taking the first steps to approach a sexual target, including a child. Yet, this verse is used against pedophiles time and time again as a form of religious child abuse, with most pedophiles being taught this verse some point in their childhood, being targeted for their pedophilia by their religious abusive parents. 

The core of the prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles is prejudicial parents who hate their own children with the disorder. These parents propogate the religious hatred and bile against pedophiles by way of espousing their vile hatred towards their child's disorder. They reject their child, abusing them sexually or otherwise in the name of false and abusive religion, setting them up for a life of trauma and depression from being abused in the name of God for who they are attracted to, and what they fantasize about. Somehow, the hatred spreads, like it always does, and now the police and higher powers hate pedophiles because of the very existence of these abusive religious parents. Sexual abusers - the dominant breed of prejudicial parent - are deflection abusers, and since their children are an easy target, they blame the victim for their own abuse.

Religious child abuse towards pedophiles includes sexual shaming abuse, where the pedophilic child is singled out for abuse by a parent, rejected, then punished for sexual fantasies about children. Sometimes, children with the disorder are sexually abused with corrective rape or sexual assault. Children are taught to hate themselves at the very core, with parents usually picking up on the pedophilia long before the pedophile admits to themselves that they have a problem.

Child sexual abuse is not caused by pedophiles, as pedophiles simply have a disorder that mimicks an abuser. Sexual abuse of children is usually caused by sexual entitlement in adults towards children, usually due to sexual repression met with opportunity to abuse a child sexually. Most sexual abusers are opportunists, not pedophiles. Pedophiles are their victims. Pedophiles commit sexual abuse as well, but that abuse usually occurs early in the pedophile's life, and is a loitering form of sexual harassment where the young pedophile loiters around children for sexual companionship. Most outright rapes and sexual assaults against children are committed by sexually entitled adults who seek to dominate children, not pedophiles.

I myself am a pedophile, meaning I have pedophilic disorder (in remission). I have a support system for my disorder, meaning a mother I can talk to about anything - including my pedophilic condition - and a therapist, as well as several family members. Because of this, I can come to terms with having the disorder easily, and also have accountability for my sexual desires for children. I am very fortunate among pedophiles to have the supports that I do, and so, I thrive while having the disorder. I am much less likely to abuse a child given the supports that I have, which also include an entire children's rights movement.

The depraved and entitled sexual abusers of children who blame pedophiles for the sexual abuse of children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let the BURN in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent! 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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