Wednesday, March 16, 2022

What is pedophilia? What is child sexual abuse?

Many people hate pedophiles, not knowing what they hate. Hating pedophiles seems to be a trend. Most people who hate pedophiles, in my experience, don't know what a pedophile is, or rather who he/she is. Pedophile hysteria is ultimately a religious taboo based on false and abusive Christian teachings.

Pedophilia is a mental health disorder featuring sexual attraction to children under age 14. 3 out of 4 pedophiles do not commit acts of child sexual abuse, and the vast majority of pedophiles are youth rights supporters, and support positive parenting solutions for families. Most pedophiles are the last person you would find abusing a child.

Pedophilia is an expression of immaturity associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and is closely associated with autistic traits. Classic pedophilia is a form of autism that is child-centered in nature, meaning an actual pedophile relates best to children, despite being an adult. I myself am a pedophile, and only want children as friends. I could do without any adult friends, meaning I only seek out adult friends in an online environment, and only passively. 

I myself trace the origins of my pedophilia back to puberty. Before puberty, I was an autopedophiliac, meaning I liked women, and I liked them mature, and I liked the age differential. I wanted women around me to be pedophiles. Then, at puberty, that slowly changed. First, I was into same-age peers and younger, and then when I became older, I never grew out of that age group. I want to be friends with children at that age, but not adults. I just am memorable and know a lot of people as acquaintances. I will never allow them into my life.

What is child sexual abuse? Any perception of sexually entitled intent by a child under age 18 from an adult, as denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to sexual contact with a child outside of marriage. The intent behind sexual abuse is denoted by the Greek root word επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers to wanting sexual relations with children to the point of taking the first steps to sexually assault or rape a child. Adult fornication, or child sexual abuse, happens when that sexually entitled intent hits the child in some fashion. 

Pedophile acceptance is rapidly expanding in the United States, with child acceptance lagging a bit behind the pedophiles, but both interacting with each other. Most children's rights countries have some level of pedophile acceptance more than in the United States. Before 2012, when the Virtuous Pedophiles support group was founded, none of these resources existed. Now, all of them do, and they are here to stay. Just recently, I have networked with children's rights allies with the hope of creating acceptance of pedophilia as an acceptable sexual orientation and mental illness in the United States. Technically, because I am here, pedophilia is an accepted sexuality. Child sexual abuse will never be acceptable, ever, and I will NEVER allow it in my name! What is going to happen from here is that child acceptance is going to advance, meaning children will likely have more rights in the future because a pedophile submitted to study. 

Most people accept pedophiles at the same level that they accept children, in terms of attachment theory, and both can be accepted in the same person, by the same set of attached parents. Thus, the growing acceptance of pedophiles will lead to more pro-child acceptance, and is leading to it now. More and more parents are giving up spanking, and most of the adults that accept me as a pedophile are anti-spanking. My mother is the core of my support system, and she has long opposed spanking and corporal punishment of children, and is open to my parenting ideas. Let's plow forward to even more child acceptance, with pedophiles leading the way. For now, certain segments of pedophiles do already experience more acceptance than most pedophiles, namely women, children, and the developmentally disabled. Before 2012, none of that acceptance was possible, so we are headed in the right direction. I am also seeing more and more parents treating their children more gently than in previous years. The parents who show clearly as anti-spanking likely are pro-pedophile.

Let the depraved and defiled fornicators who defame the pedophile label with their atrocities towards children BURN in everlasting Hell-fire! Repent!

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