Thursday, November 4, 2021

Why most supporters of American pedophiles are anti-spanking

The United States is at a crossroads in terms of children's rights progress - a decent pedophile has arrived. Many people think the whole world hates pedophiles, buying into the media hype about pedophiles being universally hated. Most people today are afraid of pedophiles. But, what if it were your child, meaning your son or daughter. A fact about pedophiles is that most pedophiles are aware, and are aware since their mid-teens.

The natural reaction to a pedophile is very different from the usual reaction to pedophile, which is generally for appearance. Anti-Parent has mapped the societal mental health stigma and hatred of non-offending pedophiles, and most liberal people these days simply don't understand the disorder, but believe "some" choose not to offend - most all of them anti-spanking parents. Most people just see a pedophile disclosure as immature, in an uncomfortable way. Most trauma survivors these days are not the type to tear apart a pedophile unless they are an abuser pedophile. Most probably, in all likelihood, laugh nervously to posts like mine about the subject.

According to attachment theory, however you treat pedophiles is how you treat children, and vice versa, as a pedophile is like a child to most people, and we live in a society that treats children punitively. Thus, the more gentle of parents are more likely to be gentle to non-offending pedophiles, particularly when the pedophile in question is their own child. It is a distant, cautious form of acceptance. Most people naturally want to nurture the pedophile before the fact, until the pedophile targets a child they care about, in which case parents simply go into protective mode. 

Pedophiles are canaries in the coal mine in terms of children's rights acceptance. Pedophiles are tolerated more in children's rights countries, not anti-children's rights countries like Russia, Iran, and other authoritarian countries. Pedophile care exists primarily in European countries such as Germany, Denmark, and Iceland, but also increasingly in the United States. Most children's rights supporters in the United States are civil libertarians that balance the scales much like I do between children and pedophiles. This is because as a society grows gentler to children, society will be gentler to pedophiles when they disclose for help and support, usually from family, friends, or a therapist.

There is a pedophile in the children's rights movement, and that pedophile is I. That means, technically, pedophilia already is an accepted sexuality. It is simply an unfortunate sexuality. You are seen by sympathetic survivors as like a kid, but in a mourning, tragic light. A kid that got dealt a bad hand. The key to pedophile acceptance, in terms of showing it, is not conflating it with child molestation, which is a separate research topic, and simply calling them "abusers" or "abusive parents" in your speech. Most pedophiles are victims of abuse, not abusers themselves.

Let all corporal punishment be banned - and the readiness shown by the support for pedophile rights in terms of mental health rights. Currently, pedophiles are being denied mental health supports, reported to the authorities by therapists falsely, or else simply not getting the right mental health treatment. These issues have improved since 2012 in many communities open to children's rights viewpoints, meaning a ban on spanking is on the way, distantly of course. All of this support for pedophiles is under the table due to the political correctness imposed by the "purity" police, who want all mention of pedophilia silenced and censored, whereas we at children's rights want pedophilia to be an open struggle, but only catapulted by the right pedophile. When adults start being sexually non-entitled to children, which is rare among adult males especially, that is a sign that they will end up being non-entitled about physical violence in terms of parental entitlement. It is about time pedophiles are accepted for their mental health issues, and treated with empathy and compassion by mental health professionals, once they earn their keep and admit that they are pedophiles. When you admit to something like that sensitively, you remove all doubt about you as an adult. I myself am a pedophile, and own my label in order to combat adult sexual entitlement in me. I am ashamed of being an adult in relation to children, and convicted of my duty to care about children. That's why I can just choose not to offend a child sexually.

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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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