Monday, April 26, 2021

Attn: Facebook - I deleted the rules

 Yes, *I* deleted them, because I had no means to explain why my page needs rules, by my standard. I see my page as an online community, and an online community needs rules. The rules were for the inside of the page, meaning page members and frequent patrons, so that they knew what to expect in terms of the prospect of being banned.

I have special traumatic needs, which I can only have accommodated on my page - I'm on my own when on other pages. I do ban the word "parent" on my pages, meaning if you defend yourself as one, you will be interrogated as guilty of something, until I can prove nothing through "guilt" framing, meaning repeated questions getting at the motive for your parent disclosure, presuming the worst intentions in a parent, while hoping for the best. An entitled disclosure would be "I am" next to "parent" in rights format, meaning not stating protective duties as a mere right - parents SHOULD protect their children from predators, and there is no room for mere rights there.

I can't make the whole community a parent-free zone, but I can make my spaces free of parents. I just have a lot of viewers who raise children and are caregivers, and the type never to punish or control. We support THAT kind of parent here entirely, but don't want the whiny, bragging types that come to troll occasionally. Some parents here might be lost, and simply use authoritative parenting with systematic punishments and rewards, in which case they don't belong here. It's not proper, and it's not right, and we need to get such parents over to the parent side until they agree with us, if they defy evidence that such parenting is immoral and harmful.

I just want control over speech on MY page. I am a conservative, and a libertarian one in many ways, meaning I don't care what you write on your page, and I'm not really picky about gentle parenting applications as well, as long as they don't control or cause damages to the child, with damages being the definition of abuse perceived by the child. Once you start trying to manipulate and demand, you cross into parenting heresy with me and I cannot be your friend anymore while you defend such abuse. 

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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