Friday, March 19, 2021

From child sacrifice to child worship: The purpose of the Ten Commandments

 Why do we have the Ten Commandments? The greatest child protection document ever made, and was made by God, and handed down by Moses. I am actually opposed to child sacrifice, and I only say this because there are rumors that I actually support such things. That is the Canaanite context, which does not mix AT ALL with the Christian context. Spanking is idolatry. Child worship is the same as worshipping God.

It says in Matthew 25:45-46 KJV:

Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not unto one of the least of these, you did it not unto me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Would you do it to God? Would you do it to Jesus? Then why would you do it to a child? Why DO you do it to a child. This is the opposite of Christianity, and is idolatry. Idolatry is denoted by the Greek root word είδωλολατρεία (Latin: eidololatria) and refers to worshipping an image other than God, who is too complicated in terms of existence to have an image to bow to, but the image of an empowered child being cared for is the image of serving God. Canaanites sacrificed children, often for committing crimes. It was legal under Canaanite law to kill your own children, who were your own property.

I am 100% opposed to idolatry, both on Christian and anti-spanking grounds, as the institution of spanking/punishment of children did not come from Moses or Jesus, but ultimately Constantine. I am 100% anti-Catholic in terms of religious doctrine, even though I know Catholic parents in friends and family that I respect, due to their anti-spanking stance (Catholics today seem more likely to be anti-spanking, but not by much). In the 3rd Century, Rome took over Christendom, and mixed pagan and Christian ideas. I do not even celebrate Christmas apart from the religious aspect, meaning no Santa or anything like that (I otherwise try to remain neutral on issues like the Santa debate among gentle parents). Many churches mix pagan doctrine in with the Bible, and that does not fly with God, or with the welfare of children.

The Israelite tradition we follow today is instead pro-social child worship, meaning children first, and parents last. Parents are simply attendants, serving children as indentured servants. All adults are evil and wicked in nature, and are deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children, just as mankind is culpable for existing in relation to God, and is bound to serve God as His enemy. I am the enemy of every child, until my good and moral conduct towards earns their friendship. Generally, at least in my case, it would be a friendly-adversarial relationship, with different interests and worldviews, but nonetheless we're pals. The child's feelings and emotions come before the superficial comfort of adults.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through idolatrous practices will BURN! Let them SUFFER! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is ay=t hand

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